This is simple and secure notepad for your device. Now no need to carry your notepad always with you. Here is a password protected way to do this.
1. Secured with password
2. Categories the notes
3. Cloud sync
4. Secret question if you forgot your password
5. Simple and easy to use interface
Try out our other new apps:
All app data is stored in phone memory. Please don't clear app data, uninstall app or do a factory reset, If done so all notes would be erased
Ini notepad sederhana dan aman untuk perangkat Anda. Sekarang tidak perlu membawa notepad Anda selalu bersama Anda. Berikut adalah cara yang dilindungi kata sandi untuk melakukan ini.
1. Diamankan dengan kata sandi
2. Kategori catatan
3. Sinkronisasi awan
4. Pertanyaan rahasia jika Anda lupa kata sandi Anda
5. Antarmuka yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan
Coba aplikasi baru kami yang lain:
Semua data aplikasi disimpan dalam memori telepon. Jangan hapus data aplikasi, hapus instalan aplikasi atau lakukan pengaturan ulang pabrik, Jika selesai maka semua catatan akan dihapus
This is simple and secure notepad for your device. Now no need to carry your notepad always with you. Here is a password protected way to do this.
1. Secured with password
2. Categories the notes
3. Cloud sync
4. Secret question if you forgot your password
5. Simple and easy to use interface
Try out our other new apps:
All app data is stored in phone memory. Please don't clear app data, uninstall app or do a factory reset, If done so all notes would be erased